
Monday, November 21, 2022

If/When/As soon as ... The time to start writing is now. Also, I have the PERFECT gift idea!

Hello from a busy writing desk,

Does the calendar psyche you out sometimes? I relate.

We are more than halfway through NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Did you set a goal? How are you doing? I learned on a podcast that we have only ten percent TOTAL control of our time and schedules. Then my colleague Debbie Patrick (Vision Run Publishing) told me that smart businesswomen schedule only fifty percent of their workdays and leave the rest open for thinking, reacting, innovating, and handling surprises. In my case, that time usually goes to dealing with interruptions from five family members, two cats, and now FIVE hamsters. Anyone need a furry Christmas gift? Or three?

The point is that we make too big a point of TIME, often using nagging demands on our days to procrastinate doing what we feel compelled to do and/or LOVE to do: WRITE. Debbie also shared an article, which I stumbled across in one of my beloved binders yesterday. Author Julia Cameron explains "The Time Lie" and encourages us to stop overthinking and start writing. Make your craft a priority because your craft is an expression of who you are, and you are important. Click the link below and enjoy learning from a fellow writer.

The Time Lie by Julia Cameron.pdf



P.S. Let me know about the hamsters:))) 

two guinea pigs eating carrot
caption for image