
Thursday, June 16, 2022

What do you want to learn, and HOW do you want to learn?

 Hello from Crippled Beagle Publishing!

Not long ago, I stumbled across a podcast episode that featured Silicon Valley start-up founders. Representatives from VRBO, social media companies, Edible Arrangements, and others described their business philosophies. The good news is that I learned priceless lessons I could act on immediately. The bad news is that I didn't pay attention to the podcast name. Since that frustrating moment of forgetfulness, I have been searching for thought leaders who can help my business and, in turn, help me better serve my clients.

The most successful entrepreneurs have certain characteristics in common. Among those are: consistent curiosity and desire to learn, acceptance of and appreciation for failures, life balance (they are NOT workaholics), and eagerness to collaborate. That last trait got me thinking. Even though I work solo most of the time, I love to collaborate with fellow creatives, whether those are subcontractors or, believe it or not, the competition. My buddy Debbie Patrick (Vision Run Publishing) is my most prized colleague (and most local competition). We live and work only a few miles from each other. Folks are shocked when I explain how Debbie and I do business planning, brainstorming, and product creation TOGETHER. I learn from her many years of advertising and copywriting experience. She is superb at book layout and, to be honest, more professional expressions of thoughts and ideas. From what she says, I energize her with my many ideas and fearless approach to business growth. Plus, I am an Excel spreadsheet phenom, if I do say so myself. Anyhoo, how does my relationship with Debbie benefit you?

Debbie and I are teaming up soon to host a series of writing workshops. I have been teaching for the University of Tennessee Center for Professional Education & Lifelong Learning for several years. Soon, Debbie will join me as a co-teacher. We will be planning our workshops in July and submitting the course titles and lesson plans in August (to UT). The first workshop will likely occur in late January. We want your help as we plan the series. Let's take turns. I'll answer questions you may be asking. Then, when you have time, you can answer my questions.

You may be asking:

Q: What is the workshop series?

A: Debbie and I will teach 6 individual workshops. Each workshop will build off the previous workshops, but they do not have to be taken in any order. There are no prerequisites. Students may take one, all, or any combination of the classes. Workshops will be about two hours each and will cover one topic each.

Q: Who is the series designed for?

A: The IN-PERSON course (Knoxville, Tennessee) will be designed for adults 18+ who want to improve their creative writing skills. Some may want to publish. Some may already be published. Writer-students may be at any stage of the writing process.

Q: Why are Debbie and Jody creating this series?

A: After many years in the writing, editing, publishing, and book marketing world, we find that we have answered the same questions multiple times per week. We want to share the answers with a wider audience. Our clients are typically busy people on budgets, so we also want to provide a slower-paced approach by which students can learn how to produce a well-written, impactful, marketable book. We will spread six or so workshops over six to twelve months. This gives students plenty of time to absorb what we teach and put lessons into real practice.

Q: How will the series help me?

A: Debbie and I can help you GROW as a writer. We will teach you fundamentals and finesse and outline the steps from wherever you are all the way to your goals, whatever those may be.


  1. What topics would you like for us to address? (Examples: how to start my book, how to plan my book, how to find the right editor, how to finance the entire project, how to improve characterization, how to use a story arc to write a great book, etc.)
  2. Would you prefer an on-line option?
  3. What specific activities would you like for us to include in the workshops? (Examples: discussion, manuscript feedback, exercises, lectures, other ideas?)
  4. What time of day is best for you?
  5. How long would you like each workshop to last?
  6. What have you loved about other workshops/series that you've attended?
  7. What have you NOT enjoyed?
  8. Crazy idea --- throw a wild card at me! What X-factor would make the class rewarding and fun for you?

Answer any/all of these questions by emailing me at If you have a specific question about writing, editing, publishing, or marketing, send it, too!

To stay informed about the courses, . I'll be sure to update you when we map out the workshops and when registration opens.

XOXOXO and thank you in advance!


P.S. If you'd like to glance through the current UT Center for Professional Education & Lifelong Learning catalog, . I'm a student, too! I recently learned to make sushi with two of my UT teaching buddies (Alexia and Tammie).

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Friday, June 10, 2022

Listen and write. Pay attention to #6. Enjoy!!!

Crippled Beagle Publishing client Kevin Nunn recently announced his debut novel Camp Fire. CONGRATULATIONS KEVIN!

I'm thrilled to welcome him into the funky world of published authors and to encourage him as he finishes writing his second book and executes a marketing plan.

My clients and I share wonderful relationships of collaboration, criticism, and comedy—three of my favorite concepts, (after alliteration, of course). This week, Kevin kindly sent me a fantastic Ted Talk by Anne Lamott titled "12 truths I learned from life and writing." He directed me to pay attention to #6. Amen, Anne!

Friend, this was too good not to share with a fellow writer. ENJOY.

Writers support writers! Find Kevin's book on Amazon today.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I here?" or, "Who am I supposed to be with?"
In the wilderness of transition from college to the real world, those fundamental questions demand answers. After college graduation, Kevin Nunn served as an emergency medical technician for a church camp. In an isolated valley in the Colorado mountains, he met amazing people who helped build his foundations of faith and forge his career in the fire service. That summer, he found peace and his place in the world. Then he met Sarah.

In these pages, perhaps you will find your answers within my story. The book weaves a love story of balance between the lively spirit of church camp and the complex chaos within the fire service.


Jody and team

Friday, June 3, 2022

Want to be an energetic writer? Sweep your porch or go jump in a river.

 Who doesn't love a three-day weekend? For entrepreneurs and writers, fully resting (not working, not writing) can be a challenge. I find that when I eventually do rest, I actually get ideas. Of course, I want to immediately act on those ideas. Maybe that's because I'm an action taker, but maybe that's because I'm afraid I'll forget the ideas. Thus, I always have a composition book and pen for quick notes. I record the big ideas to address later. Then I relax.

Last Friday, my mother once again came to my rescue. She instructed me to stop working, close my office, and come help her cook and clean in preparation to welcome family members to our mountain cabin Riverdance.

Helping my mother at Riverdance is not work ... unless a black bear has gotten into the garbage. Because the house is OLD, not insulated, and often infiltrated by critters (I once found acorns under my pillow and met a copperhead at the back door), there's no pressure to make it shine. Actually, shiny surfaces are impossible. I liken our "housekeeping" there to a wonderful childhood gift from my paternal grandmother Wimmie. She bought me a playhouse, which was actually a small lawnmower shed. My parents pasted flowered paper to the thin walls and gifted me old dishes so I could bake mud pies in my toy metal oven. TOP SECRET: I swiped real eggs from the real kitchen and happily cracked them into my chocolate dirt before I sprinkled my mother's marigold blooms on top. I was the hero of my cousins for using what they called "real ingredients." How I loved to sweep the tiny porch and plan my next home-improvement project. With imagination and furniture placement, my playhouse converted to a daycare, classroom, restaurant, and genie bottle. Remember I Dream of Jeannie?

What stories I created and lived in that lawnmower shed!

Writer, don't underestimate the benefits you gain from mindless chores and playtime. If you can combine the two, there's magic to be found, especially in buildings with no insulation.

On long (or any) weekend or day off work, ease through (or throw away) to-do lists, delay (or cancel) self-imposed deadlines, enjoy basic tasks, watch children if you need examples, and rest your mind. You may be energized. My bet is that you will miss writing but return to your desk with new ideas and fervor.

FOR EXAMPLE: When we stood at the rope swing on Little River near Sunshine, Tennessee, my dear friend Tammy and I coached my son and her granddaughter on proper rope swing etiquette. During that playtime, which was as relaxing as it was amusing, we thought of a great idea. We are now writing a humorous book on etiquette in random places, beginning with rope swings in rural waterways.

In this video Scotty demonstrates his, um, technique. Some may think him a city slicker! Oh, and if you are wondering, proper etiquette dictates that after you swing into the river, you bring the rope out of the water and up the bank to the next swinger. The best swingers know to snap the rope downward just as they drop into the water to send the rope flying back to the riverbank.



P.S. If you aren't following Crippled Beagle Publishing on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Pinterest, you may be missing out. My team and I post helpful tips and graphics every week. Go to the bottom of this post to click and follow. Here's one example of a recent graphic Genesis created for you:

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Follow Crippled Beagle Publishing. We'd love to have you in the discussion threads! Tag us when you promote your book, too. Tag Crippled Beagle Publishing or me, , and I'll help you spread the word about your words!