
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

I love this list of December dates! You will be inspired.


I mentioned this last week, too. "Special days/months" are great fodder for social media posts. I just did a little Facebook live (I hope my office was clean) to let folks know that December is "Write a Friend Month." Thus, I'm writing all of you friends. Ha! Seriously, though, I challenged my followers to write a real note on PAPER (crazy, right) and MAIL it (yikes!) to a friend. I'm going to do that as soon as I send this email to you. Please know that I consider you a friend.

Here are the December special days. Neat, right? Some are sad, some are serious, some are odd, and some are funny. As a working mother and business owner, my favorite might be "Stress-Free Family Holidays Month." I need to research that one. Ha! Enjoy, and MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Crippled Beagle Publishing team!


• Write a Friend Month

• Safe Toys and Gifts Month

• Stress-Free Family Holidays Month

• Read a New Book Month

• Learn a Foreign Language Month

• Sign Up for Summer Camp Month

• Art and Architecture Month

• AIDS Awareness Month

• National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month

• National Handwashing Awareness Week (first week)

• National Influenza Vaccination Week December 3–9

• Christmas Tree Week (first full week)

• Tolerance Week (first full work week)

• Hanukkah (changes yearly and lasts for 8 days)

• Human Rights Week (second work week)

• Thank a Soldier Week (the week before or including Christmas)

• 1. Rosa Parks Day

• 1. World AIDS Day

• 2. Special Education Day

• 3. Make a Gift Day

• 4. Santa's List Day

• 4. Cookie Day

• 6. Give a Secret Gift Day

• 7. Pearl Harbor Day

• 7. Letter Writing Day

• 8. Winter Flowers Day

• 8. Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

• 9. Homemade Gift Day

• 10. Human Rights Day

• 10. Nobel Prize Day

• 10. Day of the Horse (always second Saturday)

• 11. World Choral Day (always second Sunday)

• 13. Violin Day

• 14. Deck the Halls Day

• 15. Bill of Rights Day

• 16. Boston Tea Party Day

• 17. Wright Brothers' First Flight Anniversary

• 19. Build a Snowman Day

• 20. Go Caroling Day

• 20. Games Day

• 21. Forefathers Day

• 21. Look on the Bright Side Day

• 21. (approximate) Winter Solstice, which is also National Flashlight Day

• 23. Festivus

• 23. Roots Day

• 25. Christmas Day

• 26. National Whiners Day and Boxing Day

• 28. National Card Playing Day

• 30. Take a Walk Day

• 31. New Year's Eve

baked cookies