
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Facebook Insights Cheat Sheet - See what posts are working for you and grow your audience!

Who is paying attention to your posts? Which posts are working to build your audience? You may be surprised by the truth. Facebook offers Insights to show you what’s working. Let’s go to the source. Any text that is quoted or italicized came from Facebook. Facebook explains, “Insights provide information about your Page's performance, like demographic data about your audience and how people are responding to your posts.”

To see Page Insights:

 1.      From your Feed, click Pages in the left menu. 

 2.      Go to your Page. 

 3.      Click Insights in the left menu. 

About Insights: Insights provide information about your Page's performance, like demographic data about your audience and how people are responding to your posts. Keep in mind that you can only access data in Page Insights for the last 2 years, and demographic data, such as age, gender and location, are available in Page Insights once there is data for 100 or more people. Pages categorized as a Community Page don't have Insights. You can use Insights to: 

Understand how people are engaging with your Page. 

View metrics about your Page's performance. 

Learn which posts have the most engagement and see when your audience is on Facebook. 

 In the Top Post section, I like to click on See All to drill down on which recent posts got the most attention and engagement. You can sort the results to further analyze your media outreach.  The goal is to do MORE of what’s working and less of what is not working. Today, visit your Facebook page to see what’s working for your book business. I included a few screenshots to help you see what you can see. Remember to think about where your audience spends time online, build platforms and pages that engage that audience, and grow your readership and royalties! 

The Crippled Beagle Publishing team and I can help you: 

  • Set up pages on most social media platforms 
  • Create a Facebook group 
  • Create and schedule social media posts
  • Learn how to find and use Insights


For help with anything related to social media, please reach out to me, or book an appointment directly on my calendar using the booking link below that matches you😊.  

Then, make a huge list of questions. The team and I look forward to helping you any way we can. 


 P.S. Instagram offers the same data. Just go to the app, then click Professional Dashboard, then click See all.