
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The TOP 6 Fundamental Elements of Book Marketing


The cart is open for early enrollment in my online marketing course: Market Your Way to Readers and Royalties. If you are interested and/or have questions, email or call me at 865-414-4017. If you decide not to enroll, that's okay. You may still use the list below to plan your marketing for the year. The modules in my course will cover these top 6 fundamental elements of book marketing.

Here's what the course includes now, but I will be adding more info as we go along:)

MODULES in Market Your Way to Readers and Royalties

Secure credibility in the marketplace.

Module 1: Author Brand Kit Packing List - What marketing items you should have on hand, always, and how to create and store them.

Module 2: Rev Up Reviews - How to generate reviews, write them, and use different kinds of reviews.

Help readers find you.

Module 3: Build Your Landing Page Website - This does NOT have to be a website, but you do need a landing page. We'll explore options.

Module 4: Social Media Essentials That Travel - We'll start with basics that make sense for your genre, your goals, and your audience.

Find and personally engage with your readers.

Module 5: Locate Your Readers Across the Physical and Digital Landscape - This will be fun. We will literally find your readers through brainstorming and quick research techniques.

Module 6: Secure Continuous Access to Readers Via Email - You will learn how to turn potential readers into followers, fans, and buyers.

Modules will also contain:

  • printable documents like checklists, cheat sheets, and resource guides
  • ways to save money
  • ways to delegate and/or automate tasks
  • real life examples that have worked for other authors

You are welcome to share this information with other writers! Remember, I teach these skills one-on-one, too, so if you see a particular subject you want to explore, let me know. THANKS SO MUCH!


Jody and the Beagle team:)

CLICK HERE to learn even more and download a free annual book marketing planner!

dog's face