Does a small, disparaging voice in your head tell you that you can’t do something? Does that voice sound like your well-meaning mother, an old friend, a doubting teacher, or a low self-esteem version of you?
I am learning profound new ways to not only examine my thoughts but also CHANGE them. I’ll summarize my understanding of the brain science I’m trying to learn and put into practice.
You react to an experience.
Your reaction creates emotions.
The emotions create thoughts.
The thoughts, if repeated for a long time, become your beliefs.
These beliefs can be WRONG and limiting.
You can listen to your body and identify emotions.
You can then create new thoughts.
You can repeat those new thoughts until they become unconscious, automatic beliefs.
The new belief system (positive, happy, productive) will change your life and help you reach your goals.
Remember, I’m NOT a doctor, psychologist, or counselor, but I am a mother and a teacher. I see these mind miracles happen over and over again in my children and my clients and students once they become aware of their thoughts and how those thoughts affect their daily lives. KNOWING that you can CHANGE the way you think, then believe, is EMPOWERING. Your thoughts create your reality in so many ways!
Need an example? Here’s a quick story that I pray is helpful to you.
Ann wrote a book report in 5th grade. When she read it aloud, other students laughed, and the teacher gave her a C.
Ann had never made a C before, and she was humiliated in front of her peers. Her tummy hurt, and when she returned to her desk, she put her head down and cried. What’s especially sad is that Ann loved to write and was excited to share her ideas. After the incident, Ann told herself that reading her creative work aloud was painful, she must be a bad writer, and that sharing her ideas would bring humiliation. She thought this for so many years that these terrible notions became her subconscious belief system.
At age 65, Ann, now retired from a successful business career, wanted to write a book to help young ladies entering the workforce. But, imposter syndrome and the negative belief system whispered in her ear, “Who do you think you are?” “What makes you think YOU can write a book?” “People will laugh at you.” “No one will buy the book.”
The voices were so forceful that Ann swore she heard them. Frustrated, she gave up and never wrote the book that could have helped hundreds, thousands, or millions of young professionals. What a shame!
Then Ann met a publisher who loved her idea. Ann was vulnerable with the publisher and talked about her fears. The publisher told her, “This is an easy fix. Tell your subconscious something different. Then repeat it until you believe it. Also, ACT like the person you aim to be, not the person you fear you are.”
They “translated” the old beliefs and turned them into mantras that Ann repeated daily:
“Who do you think you are?” became, “I am a successful businesswoman with wisdom to share.”
“What makes you think YOU can write a book?” became, “I have strong written communication skills and 40 years of knowledge.”
“People will laugh at you,” became, “People, especially my target readers (who are the only people who matter), will appreciate my effort and my help.”
“No one will buy the book,” became, “If I can help one young lady feel confident and become successful, I have met my goal. This is a creative process that will help me as much as it will help my readers. Plus, I KNOW I can be successful!”
Ann also set up a writing routine and environment that promoted success.
One year later, Ann published her book. Within two years, she had received hundreds of letters from young professional women who thanked her for having the guts to write a book to help them.
The End.
NOT the end! Ann is now working on a series. How about YOU?
How can you apply these concepts and changes to be successful in your life?
I LOVE TALKING TO WRITERS at all stages of the process. If you need guidance, encouragement, ideas, a muse, or just a creative writing friend, reach out to me. Schedule a Next Steps Call right on my calendar here: